


艾美布朗 2020年1月2日
等级: 5.0/5. 从1票开始.

很多人决定建一个 网站 on their own might run into a pretty common problem, which is how to 重复的 a 页面 in WordPress. 好吧, 事实上, duplicating 页面s in WordPress is not challenging at all and pretty much anyone can cope with it.

事实上是这样的, there are two main ways to copy a 页面 in WordPress: doing in on your own and using a maintenance service such as 这一个. But if you are that every person who is willing to take a challenge and make everything by yourself, 你可能想知道一些 网站维护的技巧和窍门. 让我们来看看这两种变体, so you will get an understanding of which particular one would work for you.

How to 重复的 a Page in WordPress by Yourself

If you have chosen this, let’s just face it, not an easy path, here’s what you will have to do. Basically, in order to 重复的 页面 in WordPress, you’ll have to get 复制Post插件, which is completely free so you don’t have to worry about the money expenses.

  1. 安装 插件 在你的电脑上并激活它;
  2. 前往 指示板, choose 页面, select Page, and click on All Page;
  3. Take a look at the 页面 you would like to copy and find the 克隆 option or New 草案 变体.

差不多就是这样了. 恭喜你,你做到了!

How to 克隆 a Page in WordPress by Means of a 维护 Service

好吧, if you’ve chosen the easiest way to deal with this issue, all you’ve got to do is to get a maintenance subscription and all your problems with copying 页面s and not only would be solved in mere seconds by professionals. 事实上, 维护 & 支持服务 from Templateog体育首页 is a rather good way to keep your 网站 working as well as to eliminate all the bugs it possibly has.

So let us have a look at what this subscription service offers:
  • 24/7的支持
  • 定期更新
  • 转换提升
  • 加快速度 网站’s 表演
  • 网站保护

除了, the service has quite affordable pricing plans: Essential for $39 per month and Premium for $69 per month. So if you want your site to perform stunningly and you don’t want to deal with such problems as WordPress 克隆 页面, 这无疑是你要走的路.

当你在做你的 网站 you may want to display content from one 页面 on the other. We are going to show you how to 重复的 页面s in WordPress. You may already notice that we have a lot of WordPress主题 based on different 插件s, for example, Power builder based and Elementor based themes. Let’s see how to 重复的 页面s in those themes:

How to 重复的 页面s if 电力建设者 插件 is installed?

重复的 函数 是内置的 电力建设者. There are five simple steps on how to 重复的 页面 content:

  1. 打开想要复制的页面或帖子. 你可以在 页面 > 所有页面 (or 的帖子 > 所有的帖子 部分)。.

  2. 点击 保存到库 button at the top right corner of the Power builder 编辑器 为了节省 布局 到构建器库.

  3. 你会得到一个 弹出 盒子. 输入您的 布局 标题,然后单击 保存 button.

  4. 现在你可以进入下一步了. 要添加已保存的 布局 to your new 页面, open this 页面/post and click 从库加载 按钮在右上角.

  5. 点击 从库中添加 按下按钮 弹出 你会看到. 选择一个 布局 通过点击 负载 按钮旁边的标题.

  6. 等一下。 布局 加载. Modify content to your needs, save the 页面 and check your site.

这里有一个很好的教程 how to create power builder 页面 布局 copy to revert it to the 页面. 不要犹豫,去检查一下!

How to 重复的 页面s/posts in Elementor?

Elementor 插件 还有内置复印机吗. 使用它:

  1. Open the 页面 or post you want to 克隆 in Elementor 页面构建器.

  2. 按钮旁边的箭头 更新 按钮在左下角.

  3. 选择 另存为模板 option from the section 你会看到 next.

  4. 保存 your 页面 to the library on the next step. 输入您的 template 标题,然后单击 保存 button.

  5. Now you can open your new 页面 in Elementor

  6. You will see two buttons: Add new section and Add Template. 点击 2nd button to add your template to the 页面.

  7. 点击 我的模板 选项卡 在一个 弹出 你会看到. Select saved template from the list 你会看到 there and click 插入 button. You can preview template before selection by clicking 预览 button.

  8. 保存更改并检查您的站点. 页面现在被复制了. You can change its content to your needs now.

But what if theme does not have 电力建设者 or Elementor included?

S To 克隆 页面s you will need to use duplicator 插件.

  1. 你要做的第一件事就是 插件 安装. 导航到 插件 > 添加新 的部分.

  2. 开始寻找合适的 插件. 输入 重复的 到搜索字段. 我们要用 重复的帖子 插件.

  3. 点击 现在安装 开始 插件 安装.

  4. 等一下 插件 is installed and activate it after install by clicking 激活 button.

  5. Now you can 克隆 posts or 页面s on your site. 要做到这一点 页面 > 所有页面 (or 的帖子 > 所有的帖子)页在您的管理面板.

  6. 徘徊 over the 页面 you want to 重复的 and click 克隆 button.

  7. You will see original and 重复的d 页面s in your admin panel.

    请注意! 重复的页面将被保存为 草案. You will need to Publish it to be able to put on your site.

你可以查看一个教程 how to 克隆 页面s and posts in WordPress 欲知详情.

就是这样! You know how to 重复的 页面s and posts in WordPress now! 更多的教程即将推出.

这个条目被张贴了出来 Monstroid教程, WordPress教程 和标记 克隆, 重复的, 页面. 书签的 永久链接.


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