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WordPress. How to make social icons open in a new tab

Kristy Smith January 15, 2015
Rating: 5.0/5. From 4 votes.
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This tutorial will show you how to make social icons open in a new tab in WordPress.

WordPress. How to make social icons open in a new tab

  1. Please open your website and look for icons on the top. Click, for example, the first icon google+. You will see this icon is opened in the same tab:


  2. In order to open this icon in a new tab, you will need to make some changes in the file. Go to your files (you can use FTP or hosting control panel) and find wp-content\themes\themeXXXXX\static\static-social-networks.php file. Also, you can use WordPress admin panel to edit the file. Log into Dashboard, go to Appearance -> Editor menu, select themeXXXXX – click the file static-social-networks.php. Locate the following line of code:

    echo '
  3. You will need to add this code target=”_blank” at the end, so it will look as follows below:

    echo '
  4. Click Update to save your file:


  5. Check your site please. Click on your social icon. You will see the icon is opened in a new tab.

Now you know how to make social icons open in a new tab.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

WordPress. How to make social icons open in a new tab

Website Themes for Wordpress
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